Private tutoring for whole-child flourishing.
Discover a tutoring experience that goes beyond the basics. I’m proud to offer a personalized, engaging journey in math and science for middle school to high school students. From Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core Mathematics to SAT or GRE test prep, I will support not only your child’s academic success but help them develop a deep love for learning.
The union of rigor and wisdom is essential for holistic education.
The faculty of voluntarily bringing back a wandering attention, over and over again, is the very root of judgment, character, and will... An education which should improve this faculty would be the education par excellence.
William James, The Principles of PsychologyThe beauty of mathematics and science is avaialble to a mind that is clam, at ease, and deeply curious. Contentment, wellbeing, and safety are a prerequisite to being able to rigorously learn.
“Education then acquires a new dignitiy, a new authority, because education will then tell society: these are the laws of life. You cannot disregard them.” Maria Montessori, The Absorbant Mind
As far as humanity can tell, the laws of life are written in the language of mathematics and are about scientific principles. How and why do things move? What is everything made of? How do systems interact?
Learning Catalogue